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Relevant Links & Articles

Here's a collection of useful links and articles for anyone considering training as a Veterinary Nurse or Vet. This is not a one-stop shop, so your research should not end here. Please note that a lot of these will introduce new information to you. You do not need to know about all of the topics. These are just provided in order to widen your knowledge about the veterinary world.


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The RVC Sutton Trust Summer School gives a real experience of university life studying Veterinary Medicine or Veterinary Nursing.

Video Conference

Sam Sykes will be joined by UCAS staff to share plans for the future and hear feedback about the new plans for university admissions.

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The Veterinary Medicine Summer School gives you a flavour of what it's like to study to become a vet at university.

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An online webinar hosted by the student recruitment team at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).

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Summer school hosted by Nottingham University. Workshops and seminars will introduce clinical skills as well as academic research and exploration.

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Event upcoming ...

Event upcoming ...

Veterinary Nursing

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This article discusses the role of a surgical Veterinary Nurse. Keep in mind that this was written by American veterinary professionals which typically call vet nurses 'Vet Technicians' . Some UK practices may not have a specialised surgery nurse, so you may be doing all of these roles as well as consulting.

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A Vet Nurse's role in animal welfare is quite important. Here's a look into the things that a Vet Nurse has to consider.

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Read about Rosina and Katie's experience in becoming Registered Equine Veterinary Nurses (REVN) and what their current career looks like.

Veterinary Medicine


The representative body for veterinary schools in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands. Useful for a summary of the veterinary schools in the UK and Netherlands.

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Great for anyone who hasn't seen equine practice before. 'Colic' is a common equine emergency which means abdominal pain. There are a few different causes of colic so the specific cause needs to be identified immediately so that the horse can either be managed with medical treatment or surgery as horses can deteriorate quickly.

Mother Cow

Watch how a caesarian section is carried out on a cow. A C-section in farm animals is a tad different to small animal practice.

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